
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The 18 wheeler with a steak knife stuck on it.

I know that no one would believe I saw this, so I had to take a picture as proof.  I realize that this is illegal and dangerous, but come on it was so worth it!  I seriously cannot make up the craziness that I see on a regular basis.  I really am just that special!

I really wonder how this steak knife got stuck in between the truck and the license plate.  I mean did the driver stick it there to say to other drivers watch out because I’ll cut you!  I’ll take you out if you mess with me and my 18 wheeler.  Or was this his way of protecting the goods he was carrying?  But that can’t be it because any thief would use the knife against him.  

Either way watch out on the road because there is a steak knife carrying truck driver that is clearly not in his right mind.

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