
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Lasik...Am I crazy?

I decided that I want to get Lasik.  Are you asking yourself “Who cares?” or “Why is this important?”?  Remember that post about my phobia of all things medical?  Well you’re in luck you get one of the many stories describing why my volunteering for Lasik is a HUGE deal.

So after much thought and psychological processing my medical phobia all stems from the fact that I am terrified to die.  I know that as a Christian we aren’t supposed to be afraid to die because we know where we are going, but guess what?  I am still terrified of dying, and God gets that so you need to just accept it too.

The summer before my sophomore year in college my mom had a major surgery because her intestines got all twisted.  She was a medical anomaly because this normally happens in kids not adults.  Anyhoo we are at her follow up appointment and the doctor was explaining what happened and how she was recovering etc.  (We did bring Mama C because no one thought I would actually be able to handle this appointment)

At this point I am slowly starting to lose it (i.e. turn white, see black dots and all other general feelings of impending black out), but I am trying my best to keep it together.  Then, I kid you not, the doctor starts to dictate into his medical program on his computer in complete medical lingo, of which I don’t even understand, and I get to the point right before no return.  So, I jump up, mumble excuse me and run out into the hall way.

I only know of one way to cope with this and it’s to lie on a cold floor (i.e. bathroom floor) and breathe deep breaths until I calm down.  That obviously isn’t an option here, so I lean up against the wall rocking myself and start signing “Our God is an Awesome God” over and over try to get it under control.  That’s right I have now moved into “look like a crazy person territory”.  Welp that didn’t work and I blew chunks all over the bathroom.

This caused the poor nurse to have to clean up my mess, and no matter how much I tried to help she wouldn’t let me.  Also, this entire time my mom and Mama C know exactly what is going on, so by the time they find me they are laughing hysterically. 

So, that whole Lasik thing going to go so well!  Riiiight!

P.S.  I am also the same girl that practically passed out and had to lie down on the floor of my eye doctor’s examining room when he put numbing drops in my eyes.  Yup, I am setting myself up for an awesome time! 

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