
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Action filled weekend part 2

At the beginning of the month we had an action filled weekend experiencing almost all the Southern CA has to offer.  I say almost all because we couldn’t quite swing the beach in that same weekend, and I can’t say I was that disappointed as I don’t really care for the beach.  What!?!  Crazy right?  Except there is sand at the beach and I HATE sand, it gets every where and sticks to everything and often is stuck in the places that the sun don’t shine in.
So, it must come a surprise that I was willing to spend four hours romping around the desert on and ATV.  Normally, I would have passed this opportunity up, but one thing I have been learning in this time of marriage healing is that Jerry needs me to be interested occasionally in activities he loves.  And we got Groupons so if I hated it we didn’t waste a ridiculous amount of money.  So ATVing it was.
We went with my whole family…enjoy.
Getting ready…don’t forget your sun screen because it is as hot as the sun and you are likely to be burned alive
Thing 1 and Thing 2
Yes I am so thrilled to be here.GOPR0054
Half way through and a picture of me looking deranged.  It’s the best we can do, the sand was getting to me.GOPR0062

I have videos, and the are probably long and boring but if you haven’t got anything better to do check them out.

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