
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Gal Pals

This past weekend was our monthly girls night in, and as always it was a great time.  I am pretty sure our husbands don't quite understand why we loves these so much, but I honestly am always so excited for these nights.  We are able to freely talk about everything going on in our life, and we are never worried about offending each other.  This is one of the places that we can be our confident, strong selves and not worry that we are going to be judged. 

I laugh with these girls, and if I ever needed to cry they would grab tissues while saying it'll be fine.  I cherish these friendships and I really hope they continue far into the future because I trust their opinions on various things.  I want to look back on this life and know it was blessed because they were in it.  That I wouldn't have survived the tough times without their prayers, and that the joyous times wouldn't have been as fun without their laughter.

I pray that everyone woman is blessed with a couple of friends, like these, that they go through the journey of life with.  Life is full of so much more color when you have these types of friendship, and in reality they are what keep you sane and point you to God in those tough times.

Thank you for being those friends because life just wouldn't be the same without your friendships.

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