
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I want my car back!!! (Said with Ugly Cry Face)

Today is the last day that I am supposed to be driving the rat hamster car, and I am ready to be rid of it.  If you are contemplating buying a Kia Soul, DON’T.  It is a noisy car and it constantly sounds like I am driving up Mt. Everest and the car is going to explode at any point in time.

Honestly, I am just really ready to have my precious car back in my possession.  Oh and rumor has it that they car had $5,000 worth of damage.  Yup, just from being rear ended I have 5 grand in damages, so I really hope my car works well again.  If my seat heaters are broken, all HELL will break lose.  I mean I upgraded the package solely so I could have butt warmers in the seats.

You are probably thinking this makes me materialistic, and I say correct.  I have waited 10 years to buy the car of my dreams and when my ’98 Honda Civic bit the dust I jump on that chance faster than white hits rice.  I said to myself “Self, you have paid your dues.  Don’t you remember that ’87 Ford Econoline van and that ’88 Volvo Station Wagon?”

Yes, of course I remember those.  I remember driving that van with my head out the window on my way to school because the defroster didn’t work.  I also remember everyone singing that song about the Volvo Driving Soccer Mom.  So, I decided to shed these scarring events and get an awesome fancy schmancy new car, but this Kia brings all those memories back.

P.S. Here is a video of the Kia commercials.  Just seeing this tells you the car has LAME written all over it.

P.S.S. Thing 1 and Thing 2 conveniently blew up the engine in the Volvo so they didn’t have to drive it throughout their high school years.  Well. Played.

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