
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving is best not traditional

Thanksgiving is my least favorite holiday and frankly it's because of Turkey.

Now that I have thoroughly twisted your panties in a bunch, lets straighten those things out and I'll explain why.  I get that Thanksgiving is the holiday where we all join our crazy relatives around the same table and say how thankful we are for everything in our life, but let’s get real here Turkey totally ruins the meal.

I hate white meat because it is generally dry and there is never enough dark meet to go around.  So, when I get stuck with the white meat I need a gallon of water to swallow the two pieces of turkey I selected so I don’t insult the cook.  The turkey is clearly not good unless it is slathered in gravy and even then it doesn’t go down well unless I hide it in mashed potatoes.

Since my parents abandoned us to go to Hawaii over Thanksgiving, and really who can blame them (A cruise and no Turkey?  Sign me up!), my brothers and I decided a non-traditional Thanksgiving was in order.  So we went and got ourselves so nice prime rib with all the traditional Thanksgiving sides, but no lame Turkey!  Of course Jerry threw all caution into the wind and got Chicken Cordon Bleu.  Weird, but totally in the spirit of non-traditional! 

I hope you and your families had a great Thanksgiving as well, and that one year you try out the non-traditional way!

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