
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is prayer our only necessary action?

Recently Jerry and I switched churches, and there are several different things pointing to me being right where I am suppose to be. I have had more spiritual growth in the past 6th months than the previous 2 years. The pastors a North Coast Chruch constantly are causing me to question where I am at, and whether or not I am taking the action God requests from me.

A couple of weeks ago our pastor was talking about when someone is telling us about things that are going on in their lives and our reaction is to say "I'll prayer for you". I immediately thought he was going to start telling us how we need to follow through on the promises and actually pray for people, but those were not the words that followed!

Instead, he continues on to say "How many times have you said how can I help you?" WOW! I don't think I have ever uterred those words after someone's story. What if I was suppose to be God's answer to their prayer and instead I just let that opportunity pass by? Now, instead of helping someone out in God's intended time I prevented them from relief.

So, of course this got me to thinking, (and I warn ahead of time that you may not agree with what I have to say. That is fine and I appreciate our difference on this topic!) what if the church* stepped it up more often and reached out to our brothers and sisters in Christ? Would there be less poverty? Would more children be fed each night? Would more marriages survive if we took the time to help someone out?

Our course this leads to more thoughts, would the world see more of Christ and less of our sinful nature if we were the rescue people were looking for instead of the government? What if the church* was the welfare and unemployment people were looking for?

Don't get me wrong, I know prayer is a very powerful tool and one that God calls us to use regularly! (Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; James 5:13) But he also calls us to take care of the sick, poor, children and widowed (Romans 12:13;Matthew 25: 34-46; James 1:27). When was the last time you did that? I know for myself it has been a very long time. What if all it took was arranging people to bring meals over to someone's house? Or drive them to a doctor's appointment? What if it was watching someone's child so they could have that long awaited date night with their spouse? What if it was being a friend to someone who didn't have one?

When God calls us to take care of those around us, I don't think he is asking us to put our lives in jeporady or neglect our bills. Instead I think he asks us to make that small sacrifice to help your brother or sister. Currently, I hide behind the excuse that I don't have money to give, but I certainly can give my time. This whole topic has reminded me that some times the thing that saves a soul is not the words being preached, but the actions showing love.

Just think about what would the world be like if we put away our selfish desires aside once a week, on average, to help others.

* Church in this post referrs to the people of the church, not the building or establishment that is the church(more on this definition in another post ;-)).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Online PDA - You've been warned!

If you have spent any time with Jerry and I you have probably noticed how private we tend to be, especially when it comes to PDA. This was one of the biggest hurdles early on in our relationship. I thought any affection was private even down to holding hands! Jerry on the flip side was almost the exact opposite. If you have met him you know how he loves to give hugs, poke or just let you know he is around in some physical way. So through out our relationship he has slowly brought me closer to his side, even though I had real trouble getting use to the idea that I would have to kiss him in public on our wedding day. Eeek!! So after making him explain and demonstrate and talk about this petrifying moment over and over and over I was able to give him a kiss on our wedding day in front of 190 people.

Of course there is a new PDA world out there - online! Talk about a new struggle!! Jerry once again has no problem with this, whether it is just a sweet "Thanks for being awesome" or something funny like "I love your bear face!". I should be able to do this too, right? I mean it isn't that hard, its only one line.

So here is to one gigantic PDA to make up for all the many little ones I never wrote:


Thank you for being the person that I can always go to no matter how I am feeling! I appreciate when you joke with me to bring out of a bad mood or wipe tears away when I have enough. Thank you for your sarcastic comments that make me laugh hysterically and make me smile later on when I think about them. I know you put up with my crazy moods and you should get a medal for that!

I am so glad that I have been blessed with some one who appreciates ice cream and frozen yogurt as much as I most of the time. I know you use it to bribe me with, but I don't mind because normally what you are asking me to do isn't that bad. Thank you for knowing that when I have a bad day or I'm not feeling well that sometimes this sweet treat makes things better for a little while!

Thank you for putting up with our crazy adorable dog, even though you prefer cats, just because you know she makes me happy. I know she is winning you over slowly but surely especially when she does crazy things like trying to jump out the office window to play with the kids on the street. I know your yard is a mess because of her, but eventually it will be pretty again!

Thank you for watching TV shows you hate because I love them and you want to spend time with me. Thank you for working hard everyday because it helps pay the bills. Thank you for every time you have washed my car, or that I squirted you with water when "helping" and you haven't retaliated. :-) I know I have it coming some time. Thank you for always reminding me that we aren't in control, and for pointing me to the One who is.

Lastly, I just want you to know that I am sooo proud to be your wife and I truly appreciate having you in my life. I know that my life would not be the same if you were not in it!

Love you always!

Your wife, Kelly